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Taking great photos of your property


real estate photography

Embarking on the journey of selling your property, one of the most impactful steps you can take is snapping some great photos. This isn’t just about capturing images; it’s about telling the story of your home through a lens, making it irresistible to potential buyers. In today’s digital age, where first impressions are often made online, stunning photographs can be the difference between a listing that’s scrolled past and one that stops buyers in their tracks.

Think of your camera as your paintbrush, showcasing the best angles, the play of light in your rooms, and the unique features that make your house a home. Whether you’re using a high-end DSLR or just your smartphone, the key is in the details: decluttering spaces, maximizing natural light, and creating a welcoming atmosphere. With some thought and creativity, you can transform your property into a photogenic masterpiece, ready to capture hearts (and offers) the moment it hits the market.

To make sure you sell your home at the best price on the market, great looking photos are very important. Most buyers will only decide to view a property if the photos look good and are what they are looking for. To help you take the best photos possible of your home, we have come up with a few simple tips and tricks for making your home photos magazine worthy.

clean realestatemy

Make sure your property is clean

Before taking any photos, you must reorganise and declutter first.  Especially if the photo is for a real estate advertisement listing, you’re going to want to clean up and throw away anything that takes away from the space in an effort to give prospective buyers a clear view of the potential property.

If the photograph is being taken for a rental property, these pictures need to be extremely tidy. Clients will be looking for cleanliness which is a big indicator of how comfortable the home will be. This may require the hiring of a home staging expert as they know how to make your home look open and welcoming.


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plan realestatemyGo into your photography session with a good plan

If you’re looking to create a comfortable feeling around your photograph, consider taking the most of your shots in late afternoon as the sun filters dimly through the room. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a bright and airy photograph of an interior room, afternoon is going to be your best time for the clearest light. Also don’t forget to turn on all the lighting sources in the room such as lamps, fixed bulbs, and wall lights. Having layered lighting creates an overall sense of warmth and openness.

equipment realestatemy

Buy the right photography equipment for the best results

It would definitely be easy to just pull out your smart phone and snap a perfectly professional shot of your property. However, its not as easy as you think. Without a little help, homemade shots just aren’t good enough or presentable.

Professional photographers spend a lot of money investing in the right equipment to get the perfect shot every time. While it’s not recommended that you spend your life savings on equipment for photos, it is highly beneficial to invest a little into buying (or possibly borrowing) the proper equipment.  No matter what, it will be cheaper than hiring a professional photographer for the property.

When it comes to the right camera, there are plenty of choices to be considered on the market. One that often finds its way into homeowner hands is the SLR, or single lens reflex camera. Many agree that this type of camera gives a very stabilising effect and creates very clear shots overall.


lighting realestatemy

Use good lighting for your real estate photographs

One of the most important factors when it comes to photographing your property is lighting. Lighting can alter the feel of a photograph drastically within a matter of minutes depending on the time of day.

beauty realestatemy

Make sure that your photographs are not blurry

The space will not look good even if its a well-staged interior photograph of a home because of blurry edges or lines in the photograph. If you’re going to take photographs the right way, make sure you put as much care into the actual picture as you do setting up for it!

angles realestatemy

Play with angles around the property

While the goal is obviously to get a great shot of any given room, many people make the mistake of stopping the photo shoot too early. In order to get the perfect shot and angle, you’re going to have to invest your time with different angles and memory card space.

When it comes to photographing your property like a professional, you’re going to have to think like one. This means you’ll need to take more pictures than necessary and be willing to shoot as many angles as you can find. As lighting changes and angles change, the best photo can come out of the most unexpected of shots!

Also, it’s important to be adventurous with your setup choices. If getting a great photo means taking the time to set up some helpful artificial lighting, then so be it. And don’t be afraid to move furniture and accessories around to improve the space, even if it’s only temporary.

virtual staging realestatemy

Get Help

If you find yourself struggling with the final results, never hesitate to reach out to friends and family. Run some of your final photos by them and ask them what they think. If you get the answer you’re looking for, great! If not, it’s time to keep on clicking because after all, you’re trying to do this like a professional.
While doing your own home photography can be a challenge, the results are often worth the risk. It gives you a chance to not only create your own space, but put your personal touch into the final product in nearly every way. This will mean a higher change of your property selling for the best price on the market, or finding a renter who is willing to pay more.

real estate clean home


And there you have it – you’re all set to capture your property in its best light, quite literally! Taking great photos is about more than just a few clicks; it’s your first step in making a stellar impression on potential buyers. With your rooms tidied up, the natural light flowing in, and each unique feature artfully highlighted, your home is ready for its close-up.

These photos are your visual handshake with the market, a way to say, “Welcome, take a look around.” They have the power to draw buyers in, pique their interest, and get them dreaming about making your space their own. So, take your time, focus on the details, and remember, every shot contributes to the bigger story of your home. With these snapshots, you’re not just selling a space; you’re offering a glimpse into a lifestyle, a future, a dream. Happy shooting, and here’s to capturing the essence of your home in a way that resonates with just the right buyer!



The post How to take great photos of your property appeared first on RealestateMY.

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How to take great photos of your property in Malaysia Sun, 28 Jun 2020 03:11:00 +0000    

The post How to take great photos of your property in Malaysia appeared first on RealestateMY.


Taking great photos of your property in Malaysia


photo realestatemy


Alright, let’s get into one of the most “syok” parts of selling your home in Malaysia – taking those cun photos that will make potential buyers go “Wah, cantiknya!” In our vibrant Malaysian property market, where first impressions are everything, snapping stellar photos of your house is more than just point and shoot. It’s about showcasing your rumah in all its glory, capturing the essence of what makes it a “rumah idaman” for someone else.

Whether you’re in a bustling city like KL or in a serene kampung setting, the trick is to highlight the unique Malaysian charm of your home. Use natural lighting to your advantage, declutter to make the space look luas, and don’t forget to capture those special elements – maybe a cozy balcony with a view of the city skyline or a lush garden that’s perfect for lepak-ing. Remember, you’re not just taking pictures; you’re telling a story that resonates with the Malaysian dream of owning a perfect home. So, ready your camera and let’s make your property the talk of the town, or as we say, the “bualan orang kampung”!

To make sure you sell your home at the best price in Malaysia, great looking photos are very important. Most buyers will only decide to view a property if the photos look good and are what they are looking for. To help you take the best photos possible of your home, we have come up with a few simple tips and tricks for making your Malaysian home photos magazine worthy.


clean realestatemyMake sure you clean your property

Before taking any photos, you must reorganise and declutter first.  Especially if the photo is for a real estate ad, you’re going to want to clean up and throw away anything that takes away from the space in an effort to give prospective buyers a clear view of the potential property.

If the photograph is being taken for a rental property, these pictures need to be extremely tidy. Clients will be looking for cleanliness which is a big indicator of how comfortable the home will be. This may require the hiring of a Malaysian home staging expert as they know how to make your home look open and welcoming.

plan realestatemyGo into your photography session with a plan

If you’re looking to create a comfortable feeling around your photograph, consider taking the most of your shots in late afternoon as the sun filters dimly through the room. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a bright and airy photograph of an interior room, afternoon is going to be your best time for the clearest light. Also don’t forget to turn on all the lighting sources in the room such as lamps, fixed bulbs, and wall lights. Having layered lighting creates an overall sense of warmth and openness.

equipment realestatemy

Buy the right photography equipment

It would definitely be easy to just pull out your smart phone and snap a perfectly professional shot of your property. However, its not as easy as you think. Without a little help, homemade shots just aren’t good enough.

Professional photographers spend a lot of money investing in the right equipment to get the perfect shot every time. While it’s not recommended that you spend your life savings on equipment for photos, it is highly beneficial to invest a little into buying (or possibly borrowing) the proper equipment.  No matter what, it will be cheaper than hiring a professional photographer for the property.

When it comes to the right camera, there are plenty of choices to be considered on the market. One that often finds its way into homeowner hands is the SLR, or single lens reflex camera. Many agree that this type of camera gives a very stabilizing effect and creates very clear shots overall.

lighting realestatemy

Use good lighting for your property photographs

One of the most important factors when it comes to photographing your property, is lighting. Lighting can alter the feel of a photograph drastically within a matter of minutes depending on the time of day.

beauty realestatemy

Make sure that your photographs are not blurry

The space will not look good even if its a well-staged interior photograph of a home because of blurry edges or lines in the photograph. If you’re going to take photographs the right way, make sure you put as much care into the actual picture as you do setting up for it!

angles realestatemy

Play with angles around the property

While the goal is obviously to get a great shot of any given room, many people make the mistake of stopping the photo shoot too early. In order to get the perfect shot and angle, you’re going to have to invest your time with different angles and memory card space.

When it comes to photographing your property like a professional, you’re going to have to think like one. This means you’ll need to take more pictures than necessary and be willing to shoot as many angles as you can find. As lighting changes and angles change, the best photo can come out of the most unexpected of shots!

Also, it’s important to be adventurous with your setup choices. If getting a great photo means taking the time to set up some helpful artificial lighting, then so be it. And don’t be afraid to move furniture and accessories around to improve the space, even if it’s only temporary.

virtual staging realestatemy

Get Help

If you find yourself struggling with the final results, never hesitate to reach out to friends and family. Run some of your final photos by them and ask them what they think. If you get the answer you’re looking for, great! If not, it’s time to keep on clicking because after all, you’re trying to do this like a professional.
While doing your own home photography can be a challenge, the results are often worth the risk. It gives you a chance to not only create your own space, but put your personal touch into the final product in nearly every way. This will mean a higher change of your property selling for the best price on the market, or finding a renter who is willing to pay more.

real estate tenants


And there you have it – with a few snaps and clicks, you’ve just given your Malaysian home the spotlight it deserves. Remember, taking great photos of your property is more than just capturing images; it’s about showcasing the best of what your home has to offer, making it stand out in the sea of listings. From the bright, airy feel of your living room to the inviting coziness of the bedrooms, every photo tells a part of your home’s story.

So, whether you’re a pro with the camera or just a passionate homeowner with a smartphone, keep it syok and simple. Highlight the unique Malaysian vibe of your home, make sure every corner is bersih and terang, and let your property shine. With these cun photos, your listing will not just be another ad – it’ll be a window into what could be someone’s dream home, a space where new memories will be made. So, go ahead, capture the heart and soul of your home, and get ready for the “Wah, bestnya!” reactions from potential buyers. Happy snapping, and semoga berjaya with your sale!



The post How to take great photos of your property in Malaysia appeared first on RealestateMY.
