Building trust with property clients.
Sometimes one of the hardest parts of being an property agent is getting your clients and potential to have trust in you.
But the truth is, that trust is something that’s earned. It’s not immediately given to anyone.
Real estate agents should understand that the most important commodity you’re selling is trust.
With Covid-19 it’s a sensitive time in the real estate market. Your clients are going to be bombarded with confusing headlines from media about an impending recession. So it’s natural for them to be wary if any property agent that says, “Don’t believe the news. It’s a great time to buy property! Just trust me on this.”
Here’s four ways to win your clients trust:
People can’t argue with data. They can, however, argue with your opinions. If you’re presenting an educated statement, you better have some hard facts and data to back up what you’re saying.
Not only does being well-researched help your property clients make the best decisions, but it also cements their faith in you and helps them become repeat clients. The RealestateMY monthly market report is a great tool to use for facts, data and statistics. You can even share the professionally designed graphs from their TALGIC platform directly with your clients, on social media or as part of your client presentation. Always remember, there is no such thing as being too prepared.
In order to know what your potential clients are thinking, you need to watch the same news they are wathcing. Set aside at least 10 minutes per day to catch up on the local and national media.
Sign up to RealestateMY blog for high quality, relevant and engaging content sent directly to your email everyday. Share the blogs with your clients or use the market insights to help you as a property agent. It’s a win-win result!
This is a major factor in the trust-building process for property agents. Be the agent your clients can rely on and always do what you say you’re going to do. The minute you drop the ball on something, your clients will naturally build skepticism about you.
Never miss appointments. Respond quickly to messages. Respect their space. And always do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it.
Video is one of the most powerful tools in the hands of real estate agents in 2021. It’s also the most direct way to get your message across without standing in front of your clients.
Every agent should be making a video that confronts the recession rumors, includes helpful facts and local market insights. It’s a one-two punch that gets your message across to your entire audience immediately. Plus, this is a great way to take advantage of the TALGIC platform video upgrade. Our professionally designed and experts researched videos were made to make a property agent’s life much easier. They are ready to be shared and perfect and can be branded to your real estate business.
In Summary
Now is the time to stay informed, arm yourself with facts and accurate data and be the trustworthy property agent your clients deserve.
Stay tuned with the realestatemy.com/blog for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.