Being an effective new real estate agent

So, you’re a new real estate professional. If we had to take a wild guess, you’re probably feeling very much overwhelmed right now with this new career choice.
The hardest part of getting started is getting to know where to start. When it comes to building your real estate business plan and marketing strategy, you may be struggling with prioritising what’s most important and what you should begin with.
Here is a tip, start small and work your way up. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your new real estate business won’t be either, these things take time.
By having a checklist and ticking off items on this checklist, you’ll be well on your way to creating a property marketing plan that makes you a winner.
Subscribe To Property Market Insights
The real estate market can change as quickly as the weather, and your clients are looking to you to answer their questions about the current real estate market.
There is constant rumors and speculation about where the real estate market could be headed. It’s up to you as a real estate professional to provide basic insights backed by expert facts and data to clear the air and help your clients make the most informed decision about property.
You need to make sure you’re making it a part of your weekly routine to stay current on what’s really happening in real estate market. Following the RealestateMY Blog is an easy way to make sure you don’t miss an important headline. Sign up for weekly emails here.
Get a CRM
These 3 letters are one of a real estate agent’s most important tools in getting leads, listings and managing them well. Any property agent will tell you that organisation is key to success, and keeping your CRM up to date and tidy will help you keep track of all your leads and listings.
Set Up Business Facebook & Instagram Account
In this day and age, one of the first places potential clients are going to try and find you is on social media networks. Not only does having a Business Page & Profile add to your credibility, it also gives you more ways for connecting with your leads and getting engagement.
Regularly Posting On Social Every Week
Now that you have your social business profiles set up, it’s time to start posting and getting followers.
If you’re not sure where to start, just start with small and slowly grow. Posting a few times per week is enough to build a solid social media presence without all the pressure. And remember, this doesn’t include your actual listings!
With RealestateMY’s TALGIC tool you can post a local market update, a community highlight, a new graph, a motivational quote. There is no limit to the content your feed!
Create a Welcome Email For Clients
The average welcome email generates 5x more opens and 6x more clicks than regular email marketing campaigns. As your first impression for most of your incoming leads, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and start the conversation with clients.
Create a Storage System On The Cloud
The early days of being an agent are the best time to create processes and systems that will keep you organised for years to come, and cloud storage plays a huge part in helping you get there. Whether you’re using icloud, Gdrive or Dropbox, make sure to take some time and set up a basic system that you can use for years to come. Also remember, this is where you’ll be storing a lot of your digitalised paperwork so make sure to build out a secure system that’s easy to use.
Get Your Listing Presentation Ready
A good listing presentation is one of the most important tools a property agent needs, and it’s essential for you to start working on yours. Your listing presentation should be neat, professional, personalized, and have all details about your strategic marketing plan for selling a client’s property. You should use a lot of visuals, property market data and show, rather than tell, that you’re the best property agent for the job. You can also just download RealestateMY’s free Client Listing Presentation template and easily customize it to your own branding.
Signing Up for Virtual Conferences
There are lots of different virtual conferences and courses that will help you learn the ins and outs of the real estate industry. If you want to learn more about property marketing or if you need help with your client scripts? RealestateMY can point you in the right direction, and there’s a learning opportunity for just about everything.
In Summary
When it comes to starting in real estate, your marketing will take you far but your branding will take you even further.
You will need to spend your early months on building your personal brand and connecting with your local community. This will not only help you get more property listings, but it will help you build meaningful relationships with clients that can last a lifetime.
Whats most important is that you have prioritisation and automation. You will need to learn how to focus on what matters most and turning to real estate marketing content experts for the rest, so you’ll be able to focus on what matters most to your business: your clients.
Stay tuned with the for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.