Start by listing out all of the influences in your market in other words, those who have considerably large network and are considered influencers in your area. For example local bloggers, for instance. You may not deem them the most popular people in your community, but each market tends to have a fair number of full-time blog enthusiasts who share intriguing information about the region: upcoming events to know about, cool bands making their way through town, the newest eateries to try out, and so on. While the focus of their blogs may not pertain to real estate whatsoever, that doesn’t mean you can’t leverage their online and area popularity for your own benefit.
Using Public Relations to Earn More Social Proof
Here are some of the premier ways you can utilize a PR strategy to generate more buzz to boost your real estate brand.
Contact bloggers, journalists, reporters, and other media members to build relationships with them.
Identify the most popular bloggers around to offer your unique insights for a post (or series of posts).
When local organizations hold events, offer to sponsor them in exchange for free air time, so to speak.
For social influencers you should offer your input for a future blog post or Instagram ideas to one or more of the best influencers in your market. This could be in the form of buying or selling advice you can dispense for its readership or to discuss something else you’re passionate about that pertains to the post’s focus.
For example, if you find a foodie blogger whom everyone adores, suggest an interview about the unrivaled restaurants future homeowners in the area need to know about. In return for your insights, you could ask the blogger in question to give you some digital space to subtly promote your brand and — you guessed it offer some praise about your brand to act as some off-site social proof.
This, of course, is just one, specific example of this type of influencer outreach. Connect with others in the spotlight within your market as well like local TV and radio stations, podcasters, newspapers, magazines, monthlies, etc. — so you can repeat this process over and over again. Over time, you’ll have developed a far bigger footprint for your real estate business and likely one that’s bigger than other real estate brands with whom you compete for business: a win-win all around.
The key is persistence. Not every influencer, blogger, or other media entity you reach out to is going to want to run a story on your real estate agency or speak with your for a special post. That means, just like your lead segmentation, you need to short list the individuals and publications who don’t have interest in working with you and focusing on the ones who are willing to have you on air or featured online on their website or social media.
It’s these people who will eventually prove beneficial for your social proof, get your brand name top of mind with potential prospects, and drive more of the right kinds of traffic to your property website, which, at the end of the day, is the whole point of this social proof strategy.
Stay tuned with the realestatemy.com/blog for more up-to-date tips and guides for real estate marketing professionals.