real estate branding

Why Your Personal Real Estate Brand Matters – Real Estate Branding Series

From the moment somebody comes into contact with your real estate brand, a perception and relationship starts to develop. It starts off simple, a logo here, some marketing there? but ultimately, this relationship is something that could decide if your real estate business is a success or failure. So it's up to you to make sure you are sending the right real estate branding signals. That’s easier said...

How to build trust with your real estate clients

SHOW THEM REAL DATAPeople can’t argue with data. They can, however, argue with your opinions. If you’re presenting an educated statement, you better have some hard facts and data to back up what you’re saying.Not only does being well-researched help your property clients make the best decisions, but it also cements their faith in you and helps them become repeat clients. The RealestateMY monthly...

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